Last year 15,023 backpacks full of gifts, toys, and Bibles were packed by Alabama Baptists from across our state and sent to the Mississippi Delta Region to make Christmas a special time for thousands of children and teens in that area. Sponsored by the Alabama WMU, this mission endeavor has been very effective through the years and has resulted in many young people hearing the Christmas story and being exposed to the free gift of salvation.
Last year our JOY Ministry participated in this mission by collecting items that were later packed by others in the Judson Baptist Association. We are grateful that our Senior members blazed this trail and led the way for us! This year the Women’s Ministry Committee is helping us to expand the impact of this mission even further by opening it up to all members of FBCH. These ladies have worked diligently to finetune the details and to offer innovative ways to broaden the base of participation. This Sunday we will hear more about this mission opportunity and will be invited to join this noble effort. Here are the two ways that you will be encouraged to participate:
1) Stop by the Info Desk beginning on August 11th and pick up a backpack along with a flyer with age/gender categories. Fill the backpack with suggested and approved items from the list and bring it back to a designated area in the church foyer on any given Sunday between now and September 8th. It’s just that simple!
2) Or... do you need something even MORE simple than that?? If so, click the this link and shop from items in the registry. (Ladies, think of it like a bridal/baby shower registry!) You may shop for as much or as little from the registry as you would like. Choose “FBC Headland” as the shipping address and you’re all set. Once they arrive, the items will be gathered, sorted, and packed in a backpack for you!
I hope you join this great opportunity to expand our reach in our ‘Samaria’ with the Gospel. It is all for His Glory!
Tim Gay
Future Mission Opportunities:
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
Plentiful Harvest Day
Ministry to the NPF Fair Workers (JOY Ministry)