Weekly Ministry Schedule:

  • Student Sunday School at 8:45 AM on the 2nd Floor of the Building D.
  • Worship at 10 AM in the Worship Center.
  • The Student Gathering on Wednesday from 6-7 PM in the Building C

Student Sunday School

This year in FBCH Students Sunday School we’ll be doing the Jesus Studies curriculum. It takes several topics like relationships, faith, image, stuff, mean people, tough times, etc. and looks at them in light of Jesus and the Bible. Each week we’ll have both a parent page and student devotionals.

The Parent Page will have some basic info about what your teen learned during Sunday school and give some follow up questions for you to continue the conversation at home.
The Parent Page September 16, 2024 PDF CLICK HERE

The Student Devo Pages give 3 short devotionals each week that relate to the topic and/or scripture passage. 
Student Devo September 16, 2024 PDF Click Here
We’ll keep these pages updated, so be sure to check back on Mondays for the next Parent Page and Student Devo!


  2024-2025 Non-Overnight Ministry Participant Agreement Form

  2024 Overnight Trip Participant Agreement Form

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