
You are invited to join hands with the Missions Committee as we begin our “Manna Ministry”! The vision is to provide groceries to individuals and families who are food insecure and then share with them the Good News of Jesus Christ. There are many other details, but that is the ultimate goal - sharing the love of Jesus!
Three locations in and around Headland will be chosen and each of these locations will be visited once every three months. Three teams are needed with approximately 12 people on each team to operate this ‘Mobile Ministry Center’. Our first opportunity of this kind has been scheduled for Thursday, April 24th at 5 PM with an Organizational Meeting in the Worship Center on Wednesday, April 23rd at 7 PM. If you are interested, please click below to sign up. Thanks!

Volunteer Sign Up
 The Pack the Gap ministry of FBCH provides weekend meals and snacks to children who are food insecure. Currently, we are providing for 17 students by packing bags with child-friendly meals and snacks they can easily prepare over the weekend. YOU can be a part of this ministry by recruiting a group of 3-5 people to pack backpacks on a Wednesday evening.
Everything will be provided for you - all you have to do is show up and a Missions Committee member will assist you in the process.
Click here for PACK THE GAP VOLUNTEER sign up